
Interesting things I'm doing

Posts for the “Web Design” Category

JQuery equal height columns

Columns of equal height

I was frustrated trying to find an easy way to make all my columns the same height. I finally just put together a simple jQuery script to do just that, without using a jQuery plugin.

Note: This post was updated 1/8/14 for the newest version of jquery, and cleaned up the post. If you view source on the Demo, you can get a clean copy of the entire file.
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Posted in Web Design3 Comments

Unorderd List in IE6

To get an unordered list in vertical form to render properly in IE6:

ul, li                {overflow: hidden;list-style: none outside;}
a             {display: block;height: 1em;}

Posted in CSS, Web DesignComment on this post

Here we go

This is the first post on my new website. I decided to have a site with my name in the URL. That way it is really easy to tell people I know to visit the site.
I will be putting interesting (I hope) tidbits and videos up here.
Check back periodically or subscribe with the subscribe link on the right side. Add it to your favorite homepage.

Posted in Local Events, Web Design, Website StuffComment on this post