Cpicasa, a Picasa plugin for WordPress
I created a plugin that makes it easy for me to insert images from my Picasa web albums. Most of the plugins I’ve found are big and bloated, or they require I create a database of all my images. I created one that is small, and simple.
I call it cpicasa.
The plugin adds to the media upload thickbox. The Cpicasa tab has you enter your picasa user name, it stores it as a cookie. Then it creates a select box with all your public albums in it. I didn’t add a way to get your private albums. Usually, if you are sharing images on your blog, they are going to be public anyway.
Select one of the albums, and the images show below. Start clicking images you want in your post. They are shown in the ‘selected images’ area.
Click insert into post. The images are inserted in your post. They are inserted as anchor tags, with images. They are not moved to your wordpress server. They are directly linked to picasa.
Pretty simple.
If you want to use an image as the featured thumbnail for the post, mouseover the thumbnail in the selected images area. Click the thumbtack. The image will be added to the wordpress gallery and selected as featured thumbnail.