12 Foot Craps Part 14

Posted June 25, 2015

I’ve got the chip trays done, finally!

Time to start on the padded rail.

I put epoxy on the top side of the T-nuts so they won’t push out from below.

I bought some foam from a local store that sells surplus stuff and things like that. I bought a sheet of 1″ foam that was larger than I needed. It was all they had. I actually bought two, thinking two rails, two foams.

After laying one rail on the sheet, I realized I could have gotten away with one sheet. Woops! Oh well, I’ll find some use for that other sheet.

I cut the foam and glued to both rails.

I went to JoAnns and found the same material I used on my last craps table. It is called costume pleather. It was regularly priced at $8.99 / yd, the saleslady told me about a 50% coupon on the website, I could bring up on my phone. I tried that and saved big time. I bought what was left on the bolt, about 4.5 yds, and my total was $22.20. Wow.
I hope it was enough to do both rails.

I knew the width of the rail was more than 60″ and most material is 54″ width. I calculated that if I place them diagonally, I should just make it.

I put the material down and placed the rails. Yes! Just enough.

Now to get a new stapler and some staples. Getting close to finishing this!

Posted on June 25th, 2015 by Clayton

Posted in Around the House, Craps, Woodworking

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